Daya Chand Jain Inter College

Sarsawa Saharanpur
College Code:1048

D.C Jain Inter College was started in the year 1950. With the student-teacher ratio being 145:1 the primary medium of instruction is Hindi. Every member of the school is committed to providing the best learning environment.

Classes from 6 to 12 run in this school. 1597 is approximately the current student strength of this school.
This school’s library has 439 books.

Facilities – science labs, CCTV cameras and generators are available.

Our Management

Principal’s Message

A school is a place made of walls that hold the future of its students. We want all our students to achieve their full potential. Our task is to make it possible and our mission is to provide a platform for the same.

Principal Dinesh Kumar Gupta

President’s Message

Imagination is more important than knowledge” because knowledge is about what we already know, whereas imagination is what moves individuals and cultures forward. Imagination leads to innovation.

President Shri Naveen Kumar Jain

Manager’s Message

School also initiates activities that actively promote a safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively to the sustainability and conservation of our environment.

Manager Shri. Kulbhushan Kumar Jain

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